Life sucks when you lose your spouse.

The My Spouse Died Too podcast gives you hope, so you can heal, find love again, and give grief the middle finger.

This ain’t your Grandma’s grief group.

Join the My Spouse Died Too community email list for members-only benefits.

Your journey is custom-made, but you shouldn’t have to journey alone.

The My Spouse Died Too podcast is like your own private judgment-free grief group.

You cry, laugh, and drop f-bombs.

And you hear what really matters.

The burning questions you might never ask—because you’re afraid of what others might think of you—subjects that make a sex therapist blush and a grief counselor cringe.

You’re not alone. We get you. We get you because our spouses died too.

Because you shouldn’t have to journey alone, join the My Spouse Died Too community email list for members-only benefits:

  • Behind-the-scenes commentary gives you deeper insight—helps you heal.

  • Episode alerts so you’ll know when a new episode is ready.

  • Updates on past podcast guests—because their journeys continue too.

Plus more thoughts, resources, and random widowed journey stuff I discover.

Sign-up. I’ll send you an email so you can prove you’re not a robot troll. Open that email and click the “Confirm my request” button.

You can remove yourself from the community email list at any time.

You shouldn’t have to journey alone. Sign-up.

Hope. Heal. Find Love Again.

~ Emeric McCleary, Your Host